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Development Services

Canyon View

CANYON VIEW.tif CANYON VIF.W Lot 4- Permit to William & Patricia Pabst to cons following add to existing dwelling: utility room, carport, living room, den, bath & poollequipment room on first floor, with bedroom & bath over carport and proposed den addition exist residence obs 15' rear yard addition to obs 8' rear yard where 25' rear yard is required (rear yard was prev obs opp El Camino Del Teatro but nm, req opp La Cumbre Dr); and to const tennis court enclosed with ~2' high wire fence where fence max 6' above adj ground level is permitted, at 1605 El del Teatro, Zone R-1-20 Case 7240 & 7241 7-8-65 Lot 4, Portion Lot 5- AGREEMENT to Tom and Alixanne Baxter to construct a master bedroom with full bath, laundry area, and living room, to an existing singel family residence, said addition to have separate access to outside area. Located at 1605El Caminodel Teatro Zone R-1-20 AGREE #3709 5/12/87 Lot 2- AGREEMENT to KARIM & SUZANNAH VALJI to construct a l~story addition to a SFD con- sisting of dining room, study, full bath & maid's room with butside access from bathroom & dinning room and interior access from breakfast room and hallway, at 6341 Hartley Drive, Map 3468, Rl-20,000. AGREE fl 3968 4/4/88 31