Card_001_Adobe Falls #1
CARD_001_ADOBE FALLS #1.tif 001.Z.3 I $ k,t. 2.7_1/- 17'13 ADOBE FALU> #J. Lots J. Ile 2- The Asst Z.A. has consd the appJ. of-Gel!' BJ.akeJ.ey, John Cooper Ile Charles BOrbitt for perm to erect- (1) on Lot l---one 8 1 x 20' x 12 1 high ID sign; and (2) on Lot 2--- A. one 8 1 x 20' x 121 high ID sign; and B. one 8 1 x 20 1 x 18 1 high ID sign; and c. AMENDED REQU]5T to include one V-Board ID sign, each face not to exceed 61 5"x3 18"- overall height-4 1811, to be loc one foot in the public right-of-way; where one subd ID sign is perm on same lot as sales office (sales office loc on Lot 2) and max height perm is 12'; on Adobe Falls Rd. betwn Waring Rd. and end of street- Lots l Ile 2,, Zone R-2A and has the foJ.lGwing decision (1) DENIED; (2) A .IPPROVED, subJ to Conditions. B. DENIED: C. DENIED, as requested, but APPROVED sign to obs 51 ~M!~;!~~~2~M~!-;~~;1~~:~2~~-~Ji~~~(~:i~:!!~:r--r.---,::::::::I__ I__ ~~=~7a::3a--~--- For Lot 67- Permit to Waring Venture to erect one ~x~x7 high, s ng e-iace, irec~ si~ and one 4x4 1x8 1 high doubJ.e-faced direct sign advert "Adobe Falls" loc approx 1000' to the east on the Adobe Fall.a Unit #1 on Waring Rd, Betwn. Adobe FalJ.s Rd, and Interstate 8, Zone R-J.-40 (Interim)- Cond'l c-11,936 5-24-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------