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Development Services

Card_001_Aero Industrial Park

CARD_001_AERO INDUSTRIAL PARK.tif '. At~-iNousrRiAL,PARK. CARD #I Y7 Lot 40- Condi approval to Aero Industrial Development Co, Owner, & Circle Arts Theatre (Yale Kaihn), Lessee, to constr 13 1 811 x 46 1 411 painted bu! let in (Foster & Klelser type) single-faced, constant lited, adv Circle Arts Theatre & Sands Hotel at NW corner Kearny Mesa R. Engineer Rd, Zone M-IA; Agreement #1232- 3-8-63, Case No. 5479 3-4-63 Lots 35 & 36- Pennit to Walter E. Fiedler, Inc. to erect steel industrial bldg on parcel obs 10 1 side yd on Ely side of Lot 36, furnishing approx 80 1 side yd on Wly side of Lot 35, where 21 1 side yd req on ea side, Wly end of Buckhorn St., Zone M-lA. Case No. 6577 7-13-64 Lot 40- Pennit DENIED Aero Industrial Development Co., Owner, & Yale Kahn, Circle Arts Theatre, Lessee, to maintain 13 1 811 x 46 1 411 painted bulletin, single-faced, constant lited ground sign advertising Circle Arts Theatre & Sands Hotel (See C-5479), NW corner Kearny Mesa Rd & Engineer Rd, Zone M-lA. Case No. 6868 4-16-65 (Appeal DENIED & decision of Z.A. sustained & affirmed- 5-13-65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 47, 48, 49, 50 & 51 & Lot I, City Highlands- Permit DENIED City of S.D., Owner (Lot 1, City Highlands) & Sandy, Inc., Lessee, & Sandy, Inc., Owner Aero Industrial Park, to furnish landscaping 51 611 on private property & 4 1 611 on public property on all areas adj to Engineer Rd, Kearny Mesa Rd; Mercury St, in lieu of 10 1 planting strip req on property; 4750 Kearny Mesa Rd, Zone M-IA. (Case No. 7329 9-3-65