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Development Services

Card_002_Aero Industrial Park

CARD_002_AERO INDUSTRIAL PARK.tif AERO-i NDUSTRIAL-PARK CARD #2 Lot 11- Permit DENIED Charlee J. & Barbara Lorincle, Owners, & Victor G. Rosa, Jr. & Alvan G. Mitchell or Hominee, Purchasers, to constr industrial & comm! bldg result in approx 45% of total Jot being reserved for uses of automobile park areas, drive- ways, & off-st loading platforms & docks where total area req to be reserved for these uses; 8046 Engineer Rd betw Convoy & Mercury Sts, Zone M-lA. (See L-195) Case No. 7430 11-8-65 Lot 50- Amusement Slide proposed to be located in M-IA Zone, SW corner of Kearny Mesa Rd & Engineer Rd by J.C. Enterprises, an enterprise similar to & not more obnoxious or detrimental to welfare of particular community than those enterprises perm in Sec. 101.0436. CC Res No. 192160 11-14-67 Lot 1- Permit to John E. 0aley (C-8847) to operate auto agency reserving less than req of property for auto park areas; & (C-8848) install lite standards obs 10 1 set- back where 25 1 req from front PL on Convoy St; 4761 Convoy St, Zone M-IA, Condi. Case No. 8847 & 8848 9-9-68-----------------------------~~-------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to John Da(ey to erect 22 1 x 5 1, db le-faced, i I Juminated, revolving ID sign, overall ht 40 1, w/one 3 1 x 12 1 & one 4 1 x 6 1 sign advertis make of vehicle attach to pole; pole to obs 21 1 setback, overhang to obs 10 1 setback where 25 1 estab, 4761 Convoy St betw Engineer Rd & Vickers St, Zone M-IA, Condi. (Amended 2-20-69) Case No. 9101 2-12-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------