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Carmel Heights Extension Block D

CARMEL HEIGHTS EXTENSION BLOCK D.tif E 35' Lot 4- Permit to George & Laura Gillis to const 10' x 18 1 sunporch on rear of res, with 4ki overcoverage, total cover 1607 sq. ft., 3437 Palm St. Res. 7250 3/18/53 Lot 13- Permit to Royden W. & Mary F. Starke to alter exist kitchen & bathroom & to maintain fam room addn to exist sing fam res. Family room & gar obs O' rearyd & res obs 3' sideyd, where 15' rearyd & 4 sideyd are req, at 3402 Olive St., NE cor Gregory St., R-2 Zone, condl. Case No. 5792 7/5/63 Lot 1- Permit to Robert C & Elaine Smith to add 72 sq. ft. to den of exist. sing fam res. resulting in 46.5~ coverage of par. where max. 40i permitted. Exist, coverage is 44.7~ on Sly 47 of lot, at 2818 Boundary betw Palm & Olive Sts., Zon~ R-2, condl. Case No. 6600 7/15/64 lot 13- Permit to John K. & Nancy J. Hrissikopoulos to canst a 13'xl5' rm addn to an exs sfd addn to obs a 4 1 st side yard. Addn to res in 60% coverage (57,1% exs). 3402 Olive Street. R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-15047 NH. 3-23-78.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion of Lot I- Permit APPROVED by AZA to STEVE ANO KATHLEEN LOPEZ to construct a JO' X JI' kitchen addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 2' front yard on Boundary Street where 15' is required; and 12 1 611 of 6 1 high fence observing 5'9" front yard where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in the required yard; at 3459 Palm Street,East, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-17102 2-2-81