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Development Services

Carmel Mountain Ranch #32

CARMEL MOUNTAIN RANCH #32.tif CARMEL MOUNTAIN RANCH UNIT #32 Lot l- PL~NNING DIRECTOR GRANTED Planned Commercial Development Permit to Sudberry-Pardee, Carmel Mountain Ranch Unit #32, Ltd., owner/perrnittee, to cinstruct a 171,441 square foot neighborhood shopping center on a 16.45 acre site Planned commercial Development located on the east side of Carmel Mountain Ranch Road between Stoney Peak Way and Highland Ranch Road, CN zone. PCD #87-1129 8-1-88 Lot 8- ZA APPROVED pennit for SUBERRY PARDEE/om #32, L'ID., A CAL LIMITED PARINERSHIP, CWNER: DAVID W. SANDERS, DVM, T.FSSEE to establish a veterinary hospital for srrall animals within an existing ccmnercial bldg. where such use is permitted by conditional Use Pennit only; located at 11925 Cannel Mountain Road, CN Zone. conditions. C-20497 2-16-90 Lot 1 UNIT #32 Penni.ssion to amend PCD 87-1129 to penui.t food service and restaurant establi~t w/in entire shopping center. East side of Canrel M::mntain Rd. and Highland Ranch Rd. zone CN PCD 90-0664 11-07-90 Lot 1 UNIT #32. 'J;,1-11,;,:7 Penni.ssion granted to Sudberry-Pardee to airend PCD '87 t.:a/1 to pennit food ser:rice and rest-- aurant establishment w/in entire shopping center. east side of camel M:Juntain Rd. between Stoney Peak Wy & Highland Ranch. Zone: CN 11/07/90 PCD: 90-0664