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Development Services

Carmel Penasquitos Plaza Card 3

CARMEL PENASQUITOS PLAZA CARD 3.tif CARMEL PENASQUITOS PLAZA CARD #3 Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sign Variance was approved with conditions by HO, BAY APARTMENT COMMUNITIES sought to 1) erect 3 ground signs, a maximum height of 6'-11", 15.48 sq. ft., single-faced identification signs observing: Sign A- an 18' setback; Sign B- a O' setback and Sign C- a 10' setback where a 20' setback is required and the permitted maximum height is 3'; and 2) said signs (three) to be located on sites with no "frontage" where access rights have been waived and where no such signs are permitted at 1328 Rancho Penasquitos Blvd., CA Zone C-21489 9-17-97