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Development Services

Carroll Canyon Center Unit 8 Card 01

CARROLL CANYON CENTER UNIT 8 CARD 01.tif CARROLL CANYON CENTER Unit 8 CARD # 1 LOT 1- AGREEMENT with Meyer Homes, Inc. to convert and utll ize garage as a temporary sales office. AC #268-85 10/10/85 Lot I- ZA APPROVED request of MEYER HOMES, INC. to I) constr. 70 1 of retaining wall rang- ing in height from 1 1 to 9' within the rear yard setback where a 6 1 wall max. is permitted; 2) to constr. approx. 500'of crib wall ranging in height from 9' to J8'(approx. 190' of the crib wall observes the rear yard setback where walls are permitted to 10' max.; the remaining 310' of crib wall is within the 15' rear yard setback where a max. 6 1 wall is allowed) at the 10000 block of Maya Linda Rd., Zone R-1500 with conds. C-19049 1/13/86 Lot 11- ZA APPROVED CUP request of MERCADO ASSOCIATES, C/0 VALLON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, OWNERS; SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH, LESSEE, to establish a church within an existing industrial building where: such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 9919 Via Pasar, Suite B, M-lB Zone, Mira Mesa Community Planning Area. Conditions. C-20979 8/28/92----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 11- ZA APPROVED Amend CUP request by AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO, owner; SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY BIBILE CHURCH, lessee to establish a church within an existing, industrial building where such use is permitted by CUP only; located at 9919 Via Pasar, Suite B, M-1B Zone; with conditions. Amend to enlarje ~rch sanctuarv, office & CUP-20979 4/29/94 classroom spaces-