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Development Services

Carroll Ridge Unit N0.1 Card 01

CARROLL RIDGE UNIT N0.1 CARD 01.tif CAR.ROLL RIDGE UNIT NO. I ~----- CARD #1 Portion of Lots 5, 6, 10 and 18- Permit GRANTED to HAZARD CONTRACTING COMPANY, a California corporation, owner/permittee, to develop Carroll Ridge Unit no. 1, located on the north and south sides of Carroll Road between El Camino Memorial Park and Miramar Road, Zone A-1-10 (proposed M-18). HRP #45-212-0 10-9-80 Lot 8- TABLED the request at 8882 Rehco CArroll Road, M-1B zone. c- 19876 3/18/88 51