Carruthers Addition, Block 22
CARRUTHERS ADDITION, BLOCK 22.tif c~ Aririi1iioi. BLOCi 2~ Block 22.. (zone restrainil o~er) Res.44231 1/16/28. That, pending hearing of Zoning,e1fding Inspector is directed to hold up any permits for Oil-Stations, at Highland & Natio!lB.l Avenues. Lot 22- Perinit of farage bldg. S. 43rd St. to Thomas H. & Eve H. Lowery to erect a storage and garage bldg. (30 ft in R-4 Zone) on the Easterly 130 ft. of the southerly 93 ft at l.o82 Res. No. 1701 8/15/46