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Development Services

Carruthers Addition, Block 59

CARRUTHERS ADDITION, BLOCK 59.tif {t. CARt1'1'HERS ADDI'l'IOW BLOCK 59,, Por. of Lot 22- (75 x 146' parcel of land)- Permit to Mrs. Lee Wilcox to move 20'x4o frame church bldg to be converted to residence from SW corner of Georgia & University Ave. to 416o & 4178 Newton St. HM Res. 154 2/27/48 W 200' of E 350 1 of N 98' of Lot 21- Permit to T. K. Toothaker to bld & oper atore bldg & pkg lot, as S side Logan Ave. 130' W of 43rd St. Cond'l. Res. No. 5168 12/7/50 Lot 22- DENIED to Eve H. Lowery, own & Clarence Joseph Irving, permittee to constr & operate a privately-operated amusement park, located on the west side of 43rd St. betw Newton & National Avenues, Zone R-4 & C. 239-PC 1-7-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot 24- Permit Love James Tolbert Jr. to dev prop for use as pkg lot to serve those com I bldgs located adj to the east, SE cor 43rd & Keeler Ave., Zone C & R-2. Cond 'I. c-13250 10-10-75 Por Lot 21- Permit to Kentucky Fried Chicken at 4212 National Ave., ZoneC, to erect 21 sq. ft. roof sign on lot with existing ground sign. Condit. C-16293 8/28/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1((