Carruther's Addn, Card 03
CARRUTHER'S ADDN, CARD 03.tif..,...,.,.. OAIUtJ'l'HER'S ADD:N 1 s iti/-/73:S Por Lot 24- Z.A. considered appl of Anna R. Andrews, & Marian A. Jones to (1) construct 12 townhouses on parcel wnich was split prior to 12-5-54, but has no access on a dedicated street; (2) Observe O' sideyd on south side of property where 4 is req at soutn of Keeler Ave., west of 43rd St. & nortn of alley, Zone R-4 & has APPROVED #1 but DDIED #2, subj to conds. 1-30-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'II Portion lot 21 at 4166 National. Ave approval to construct 100 seat addition to non- f conforming church and add 16 park spaces on C portion of lot subj to requirement that till requirements of the Bldg Inspection Dept be met. C-13733 also refers..-C-13695 ll-24-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 20- No side-Logan Av, Zone R-1-5- APPROVED under conditions- Parking for church Cas No. 13733 11-24-76 Portion of Lot 3- Pennit GRANTED to FINANCIAL SCENE, A California Corporation, owner/ permittee, to construct and operate a PRD located on Logan Avenue between 44th Street and 45th Street~, Zone R-1-5 (proposed R-2). PRD #82-0629 2-7-83 Block 6, Lots 4-12- Planning Director APPROVED CUP request of SAN DIEGO FARAH PARTNERS to allow alcoholic beverage sales fro on site consumption at Barry's Cafe and staellite licenses for banquet and conference rooms of the Howard Johnson's Hotel, located at 1435 Sixth Ave. and 1430 Seventh Ave. C Zone, Center City Community Planning Area, Conditions/~r CUP 90-0597 7/27/90 lP)