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Development Services

Carter, Hale & Metcalt Block 215

CARTER, HALE & METCALT BLOCK 215.tif.. ' ~ CABBR, iw,a.. &.111'.l'CU--. ,"... '. V-~ Lot D =..,_r4 of Zoaiag Appeal.a-coaaicleradf tbe appeal of Pacific Outdoor Aclvertiaiag Co. frm tile teeieion ot the Buil4ina InapeetiOI\ Dept iD Dlltllll 1:beir re.auea1: 1:o erect u. approx 17' z 50' billboard, overall lit of 64 &t 1727 PifttlAwnue. Zooe C anc1 reaolvecl tut tile appeal be DDDD and tbe c1ecieioll of tbe Bldg Inap. Director be and aereby ie auetainecl and affirMd. (aee apecial file) lo cue I 10-5-n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------