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Development Services

Carter Hill

CARTER HILL.tif CARflR HILL-, ''}7,_;(_, i,:,; ~ 22&-1713- Lota 25 tbru 29- Perait to Avco CCIIIIUDit;r Developera, Inc- prior to aale ot propfl't:r tb.e bu1l41nga on Lota 25 tbru 29 will be conveeted to con4cainiuu in full cODfol'llllnce vitb regulationa gOYerning PRDlel at Sen4ero Way- ZoM Rl5 an4 B-l-15. AGREI AC-33 11-5-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 25,26,27,28,29- Permit to Avco COlllllUDity Developera, Ille to constr 5 model homes on lots 25-29 inclusive with sales office in one 1110del on Lot 29 at Sen4ero Way. R-l-5. AGREE #1748 ~-10-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7o