Casa De Manana Subd
CASA DE MANANA SUBD.tif /-,...-s CASA DE MAN.ANA SUBDIVISION Lots 1 & 2 (Also Lots 1- 27, Seaside Sub. & Lots 1- 7, Block 55, La Jolla Park)- Permit to Pacific Corp., owner to operate exist Retirement Facility with 6 guest units for mElll1 bers, & to const & operate a four-stage, 72-unit addn; providing for a total of 290 retire- ment units (400 person) and to provide residencr for up to JO employees, located betw South Coast Blvd. & Coast Blvd. S of Jenner St., Zone R-4, Cond 11. ~.!J~-19- 7:;_ c.u.P. Case No. 131-PC 2-9-67 Lots 1 and 2- Permit granted to PACIFIC HOMES, A California corp. by the Planning Director to amend existing Conditional Use Permit No. 131 to permit the construction of 10 additional units for the senior housing facility, located on the east and west side of Coast Blvd. S., south of Jenner Street, Zone 5 of LJPD. LJPDP No. 86-0250 3/31/89 7