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Development Services

Catalina Estates Map 3044 Card 02

CATALINA ESTATES MAP 3044 CARD 02.tif CA!AtllA ES!ATES Map 3044? GS; Ile" 5' card #2 Lot 4- Permit DENIED to Ilse Hylton to constr a sin fam res & detacned gar on a parcel with an exist sin fam unit over two car gar where one sin fam dwell is perm at 4102 Catalina PL, Zone R-~5., 1,. 9, C-9~1--. 5-6-70--__-~1.k>;_ U~ {f't-~--M.PAyi-~.iM.J,,;.~-_ ff.:-d,J,..~: J.]J_-------- Lot 4- AGREEMENT to Ilse Hylton to convert exist apt unit over gar into recreation room to conform w/Variance c-9837 and desires to retain existing bar sink, at 4102 Catalina Pl. Zone R-1-5, SEE ABOVE A-1634 6-2-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 5420 being a resubdivision of Lot 5- ZA DENIED variance sought by Don R. & Doris A. Tusch, to construct a single-family dwelling with a floor area ratio of.73 where a.60 is the maximum permitted, located at 1880 Sefton Place, Rl-5000 zone, Proposition ''D'' Height Limitation Zone. C-20178 1/13/89 2.