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Development Services

Catalina Manor Block E

CATALINA MANOR BLOCK E.tif.,-- "-~ ' CATALINA MANOR BLOCK E "' Lot 3- cond'l permit to Edwin A. & Katherine B. Reynolds to erect a 20' x 13 1 6" gar as an add to exist storage bldg, 42' long and 56o sq ft in area, with a 2'6" side yd and a 9 1 6" rear yd, at 1569 Catalina Blvd., Zone R-1 Res. #5101 11/1/50 Lot 10- Permit DENIED to Anthony & Katherine DiJiosia to construct 13' x 20' bedroom and,bath addition to each nonconforming one-bedroom unit of existing duplex on lo~ where a sin fam dwelling only is permitted, at 4015-4017 Del Mar Avenue between Catalina Blvd., and Chatswe~th Blvd., Zone R-1-5. 1/c-12,663 8-14-74