Cave & Mc Hatton's Subd. Card 03
CAVE & MC HATTON'S SUBD. CARD 03.tif CAVE & MC HATTON'S SUBD.- CARD NO. 3 Lot 16 & N 182 1 of Lot 13- Permit to Aston Basmajian to maint. an exist barbwire fence approx 4 1 hi 728' in length along 59th St. & const. approx 330 1 of woven wire fence 4' hi along 58th St. & within the SB line on 59th St., at north end of 58th St. & 59th St. Res. 4770 6-14-50 E of Lot 8- Permit to C. L. & Effie M. Yelverton to divide into 3 bldg sites & erect res on each parcel. T:.,,1 Res. 418 11-1-43 /Lot 2- Nina Lee & Charles C. Hill to divide into j parcels, subj to certain conditions, Divisicn & 61st Streets, nes. 1948 12-19-46 Lot 13 exc Wly 200 1- Fermi t to 3. Detroit. D. Unified Schoel Dist to const public sbhool, 59th St. & Res. 5689 6-11-51 Sly 60 1 of Nly 93.5 1 of Wly 160 1 of Lot 13- Permit to John J. Maguire, Jr. to const sin fam res on par of land split out after zoning, E side S. 58th Res. 5958 10-31-51 /4t 2 exc Wly 482 1- Permit to Chas. c. & May Hill to div into 2 par & to maint. exist ram dwelling on Ely par, & const sin fam res on Wly par (Wly 125' of Ely 475) 6090 Division St. Res. 6125 1-23-52 Lot 14 & 16_ Por. Permit to Jack c. & Vestina Garrision to erect sin fam res on parcel with- out street frontage, Ely end Linnett St. Res. 6727 8-20-52 2 <.