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Development Services

Cave & Mc Hatton's Subd. Card 04

CAVE & MC HATTON'S SUBD. CARD 04.tif Par Lot 10- Permit to Frank & Hazel Carbone to erect sin fam res on W. side 61st St. betw Newcastle & Detroit. Res. 7145 2-4-53 Par Lot 4- Permit to Roy M. & Donna M. Allen to split out par. & erect sin fam res, W side 61st St. subj to 10' ease alg 61st be deeded. Res. 7348 4-29-53 Por Lot 16- Permit to K:> nte R. & June Powdrill to erect sin fam res, E side of 58th St., S. of Churchward, 20' ease to be granted. Res. 7556 7-8-53 Lot 13- S 7713' of W 120'- Permit to Meir Barach to split out, ease to be granted on 58th to 6o wide, NE car Detroit & 58th St. Res. 7733 9-16-53 W 50 of E 175' of S 200' of I.Gt 14- Permit DENIED to Pete & Pauline Mathis to const res on Detroit bet 59th St. & 61st St. Res. 8132 4-14-54 Por Lot 4- Permit to Roy M. & Donna Allen & Kenneth & Doris Hazen to div 2 ac par into 2 bldg sites, & const sin fam res on ea, condl at 938 S. 61st St. Res. 8298 6-23-54 Par Lot 13- Permit to B.D. Unified School District to move bldg from K-3 Torrey Pines Homes to 5880 Detroit Ave. H.K. 2160 6-24-55