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Development Services

Cave & Mc Hatton's Subd. Card 09

CAVE & MC HATTON'S SUBD. CARD 09.tif CAVE & MCHATTON SUBD. '., Gard #9 Par.4, consisting of 100' commencing approximately 200~~- lir'l~of ll (_~pJit 4/15/52 from W. 300 1 of Lot 19) & the E. approx 36.~of Pa'r. 4 (adde_i;!:to parce1 on 6/27/55)- both of Lot 19- AGREEMENT to Aulton W. & Clara D. Stephens to tie both portions of lot together, at the S. side of Imperial Ave., W. of 61st..5_t., Zone R-1-5. AGREEh52' 3/11/77 ~::-;----~~~::::~~-::-~~:~~:~-:-~~~-a-;:~-i~:-:n-::-:,-i~::;~~-k-:rn-:~~-:-i:~~::-:--u::-:-s_____ laundry at 5956 Division Street, Zone R-l-5. AGREE#2353 3/27/78---------------------------------------------~.-~------..:,;.___________________------------------=~~.-~~~:=~~=::_~~=~-~~~:-~~:-~~o~~l~~!~~~~~~=-~~-=~~-~=-~-~-~-~:~~~=-~tr~~~~tl~~ Westerly 300' of Lot 2- Permit APf.!iROVEO by ZA to TI-IE HOUSE OF DAV ID, CHURCH OF GOD AND CHRIST OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, INC. to construct a two-story building on lot with exist in! church for use as a day-care center for a IJ!aximum of 50 children, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Fr+-Y, at 5930 D{vision Street, zone R-1-5. Conditions.;,.,'.i,l'..I j. CUP 17756 9-24-82.32.