C.C Tatum's Bay Hills Mesa Block 1
C.C TATUM'S BAY HILLS MESA BLOCK 1.tif C C. TATUM I S BAY HILLS MESA BLOCK 1 1'or- Perm.it to Arthur Dresser, et al, owners & Tee Development Corp, Lessee to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one year one post-mounted, unlighted, double-faced 81 x 41 each face, directional sign advert Park Glen Homes in San Clemente View #1 & #2, new subdivs, on Cole St., Nly of Clairemont Dr. Zone R-4 where sign attached to face of bldg is perm. Cond'l. c-5930 8-21-63 l year ext to exp 9-1-65 (8-20-64) II II II II 9-1-66 (1011-65) 11 11 11 ' 11 9-1-67 (8-19-66) No ext granted 8-27-68 Lot 4 and Lot 557 Clairemont Manor #4- Permit to Balboa Properties, owner and Great Western Savings & Loan Assn. to constr & operate a planned commercial development, on the north corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Clairemont Drive adj to Cole St. Zone R-3, PCD #12 5-16-75