Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 1 Card 1
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif 2_q~- i 1o9':; CARD lh Lots 32-34- Permit to Wm. W. & Jennie M. Bonner to move a garage to within 67 1 of the front property line with no sideyard on the north side of said lots at 7556 Herschel St. Lot 16 & No. 15' of Lot 17- Permit attached to present shop & res with at 7511 Girard St., Zone C Res. 1708 8-15-46 to Arthur & Adelaide Walker to const g stores, to be a 3' 6" sideyd on N. side and no side yd on So. side Res. 5o83 11-1-50 Sf of W 35' and N! of W 31' Lots 32-34- Condl permit to Jennie M. Bonner to use said property as public parking lot in con with mkt across alley in M-1 zone; at 7556 Herschel Ave. Zone R-4 C-1054 3-11-57 Rear 23!' of Lots 30 & 31- Permit to Thomas L. & Ruth Shepherd, owner & Arnold Sellgren, lessee to use as parking for grocery store across the alley in M-1 Zone; exist sin fam res to remain on lot at 7548 Herschel R-4 Zone, oondl C-2796 9-11-59 Lots 32-34- Jennie M, Bonner, owner & L.L. & N.L. Angel, lessee to const 2 6 unit apt house on parcel obs 15 1 SB from Herschel Ave. {aver of blk 16 18", 7556 Herschel Ave., R-4 TABLED C-4301 7-26-61 Lots 30,31, N2' Lot 27, Lots 7-13 Lots 28-29- TABLED req of Thomas L. Shei,herd to (C-72711 use R-4 parcel for customer parking lot accessory t~ commercial use in C & M_l zone across alley on Lots 5 & 6 where parking in R-4 zone is permitted only as accessory to R-4 use of the premises (See C-2796) on Lots 30 & 31 at 7548 Herschel Ave. betw Pearl St, &(Virginia Way,~