Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 14 Card 2
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 14 CARD 2.tif CENTER ADDITION TO LA JOLLA.P,Alti IU,,OCIC 1i. q{s: ~ ~ CARD #2 W111+5' Lots 29-32- permit to AllenF & Blis.:B. Prickett to erect 3' retain wall with 6 1 solid redvd fence on topi along alley, 1227 Pearl. Hes 1'+600 4/19/50 Lots 12-13- Permit to Wm W. & Verna Loy to const 2 bedrm & bath with balcony obs 2;-3 11 SB from High Aye (aYer SB 30' req) 2nd story addn to exist sing ram res with 6' wide corbel obs 2' side yd!rm N prop ln (I+' req), 7415 / High A-.e, R-1, cond~l I.H. Case /14277 7/19/61 Wly 45' Lots 29-32- Permit to Mary Alice bath addn to exist sing fam res wh coYers coYerage (1+0% perm) R-1, 1227 Pearl St. Grosyenor to const 4 1 x 9' half- approx 1+3.3%; addn making 44.44% CASE /145ol+ 11/3/61 E 80.87' Lots 29-32- permit v/cond. APPROVING 6 1 hi fence DENYING 6 1 611 hi tence to Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. IYers to erect approx 50' or 6'6" hi wood tence encr. from O' to 31' into 33' SB & to erect approx 30' ot 6~6" hi wood tence alg s. prop 11 where a 6' hi fence abye grnd leye perm; 7460 Cabrillo Aye., R~l-5 Zone. CASE #7558 2/7/66