Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 16 Card 3
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 16 CARD 3.tif CENTER ADl'.> lTION TO tA JOLLA PAIUC ~,s.. s Lots 5-6- Permit to Dr. David Sey-lea & Mr. Thomas Jennings to erect one 2'-" x 18'-2, 3/4 11 sin-faced int illum sign att to face of bldg where 5/10 of sq. ft. for each lineal foot of street frontage is perm (25 sq. ft.) at 7463 Girard Ave. betw Pearl & Genter Streets. Zone RC. c-9628 12-17-69 Lot 9 and por of 10- Classification of Use- Thomas L. Shepherd- bicycle sales & repair shop, proposed to be located in the RC zone located on the east side af Girard Ave., south of Pearl St. Res 199006 2-5-70 Lot 14- Permit to George B. & Elizabeth Fall to (1) constr an approx 1900 gross sq. ft. commercial bl.dg providing six parking spaces each 81-4" wide, three to be tandem, where nine 8 1-6" parking spaces are required, all to have safe and efficient access, and parking to provide a 20' turnaround where 21' is required for 90 degree parking (2) bldg to obs a 0' front yard where l.0' is required (3) eliminate required l.andscaping adjacent to the street in the 7400 bl.ock of Girard Ave. Zone CN. ~~!1--~t___!,9_:f_:f_J_____ <;ci~;_:~_