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Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 2 Card 1

CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif dEftE!i ' 'AtiniTION '... 'itodc 2 ' (t~ ta ~Olla Park) Ooo <\ l~- s Gard If 1 Lots 3 & 4- Permit DEIUED to Howard F. & Genevieve Rowe to erect an addn to an exist at 7569 Hersebel Ave.; addn to maintain only al' sideyd Res. 1083 8-30-45 res Lots 20 & 21- Permit to L.J. Federal Savings & Loan Assn to erect two sin fam res at eor of Pearl and Higb Sts. Res. 64912 9-15-36 Lots 3 & 4- Permit DENIED to Pnyllis Eakin to move a frame res from 7533 Hersebel to 7569 Hersebel. H.M. 1553 12~19-52 Lots 3 & 4- Permit GRANTED to Pbyllis Eakin to move frame es from 7533 Herschel to 7569 Herschel H.M. 1554 12-26-52 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Pbyllis R. Eakin to make ext alterations to existing detaebed gar Garage observing O side yd at 7569 Herscbel Ave. Zone R-4 C-325 3-9-56 Lots 13 & 14- Permit DENIED to Yolanda Manfredi to maintain exist one bedroom apt unit (2 ear garage conversion) on lot with 6 studio apartments and another two-bedroom unit (1) gar obs 0' sideyd and dwell unit obs 0' sideyd, where 3' is req (2) to provide one substandard parkiflE space and one legal size parking space where 5 spaces are req (two were eliminated and 3 req for one bedroom unit) at 7529 Herschel Ave, betw Virginia Way and Pearl St. Zone R-3. c-11237 6-2-72