Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 4 Card 2
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif Cblfta A!> l)Iifl!ON ro LA JOLtA PARK. BLOCK li., (f .S ~. CARD,/}2 Lot 10- Permit to Irving & Martha B. Haines to const sin fam res on lot, res to obs all yd req; elevated wilt max 6 1 hi to min 2' hi, 28 1 long, to obs O' side yd on Sly side; and erect 9' hixl4' long stucco & frame screen fence on Sly side on Cabrillo Ave., condl c-4147--9-61 & 6-23-61 Lots 5-6- Permit to Mr, & Mrs. Harold Bessell to maintn exist playrm & painting studio obs l' SB where 25' average of block is req along Miramar Ave., & to const addn to sin fam. dwell attaching to exist gar obs l' 4" sideyd, where 4 1 is req. betw Pearl & Olive St.sat 7561 Cabrillo Ave., R-1 Zone Condl c-4716 &17 2-16-62 SEE AGREEMTNT Bo. 1161 Lot 10- Condl permit to Irving and Martha Haines to erect 61 hi solid board fence obs O' SB from Miramar Ave. and to erect 4 1 hi solid board fence on top of exist 6 1 to 9' bi retaining walls on both side property lines in SB, where max 3' bi fence is permitted in SB and 25' SB is req at 7539 Cabrillo Ave., Zone R-1 C-5403 12-26-62 Lots JI & 12- Permit to Angelus and Eugenio Leira to constr garage w/studio above as addn to exist single fam dwell; garage por of addn to obs 12' front yd (garage por is underground) where 15' req; 7535 Cabrillo Ave betw Pearl & Olivet Sts, Map 915, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 11754 2-15-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Richard Smith to const a two-bedr and bath addn to sfd, convert exs garage, a.nd con st a new garage obs a 10 1 front yd on Miramar Ave, at 7569 Cabr i 11 o Ave. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions, C-14575. 10-4~77, _______________________ [!' ""':-........-~---,..,------....--...---~---~-"'.'9:T".,..--~-~..--,..,......,..---T"-T"_"""'_"""_______ ' '... ~.. ~-- '' '',;---~-----_.-------------------------------