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Development Services

Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 5 Lot 8

CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 5 LOT 8.tif CENTER ADDITION TO LA JOLLA PARK,,~$ BLOCK 5-Lot 8, Variance was approved with conditions by ZA, MARYANN HASKELL sought to construct a second-story addition to one unit of an existing two-dwelling unit structure on a lot where current zoning permits one dwelling unit at 5083 West Point Loma Blvd., R-1750 Zone C-21346 1-5-96----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 49 and half of 50, CUP VARIANCE was part.a:i;p. by H.O., HANS STROM AND NATASCHA VOSSEN sought to remodel an existing single-family residence thereby enlarging a nonconforming structure, described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and location on the approved Exhibits "A" located at 7530 Mar Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone C-21505 7-15-98 The above decision was appealed by HANS STROM, OWNER, to the BZA, the appeal was approved by the BZA, overturning the H.O.'s decision. C-21505 9-23-98,1