Central Homestead Block 7
CENTRAL HOMESTEAD BLOCK 7.tif Lot G- Permit to Mrs. poultry on property See AGREEMEN'f #272 BLOCK 7 Olaf Nelson & John Hertel to raise adj & S of 401 S. 33rd St. Cond'l. Rea. No. 246 commercially rabbits and 3/18/43 Loj H- Permit to J. T. Barrett to move sing fam res & relocate on same lot, being por of lot, 3364 Ocean View Blvd. HM Rea. 1036 2/2/51 Lot G- John Hertel and Laura Hertel to use land for the rabbits for a periof of 5 yrs. AGREEMl'NT IJ,222; commercial raising of poult~ant 3/22/43 Lot G- Permit GRANTED to ROBERT R. PARSONS, LTD., a California Corporation, owner/permittee to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development, located east of 33rd Street, between Oceanview Boulevard and Webster Avenue, Zone R-2 and R-2A. PRD #20-197-0 8-28-80 Lot H- ZA APPROVED request of MR. & MRS. REUBIN MCCARTNEY l) to move a single-fam. dwelling onto a lot with an existing church~ wh~re such action is permitted by Cpnditional Use Permit on 1 y said residence to observe a, 1 3/4" rear yard where 15 1 is reqd; 2) to l?rov i de no land- scap l ng where a minimum of 50% of all total yard area shall be landscaped; 3) to provide no ~rivate open space where 150 sq. ft. is reqd.; 4)to provide no trash collection area, where 8 sq. ft. for the house. & 128 sq. ft.. for the churf.h is read .; 5\ to.orovide. a P.arkino area fugdimensioned on plans) for the residence, possib y locatelf 1n the street side yara,-wnere spaces ~re required for the house & the spaces may not be located in the reqd. street slde yard; b) to provide no parking spaces for the existing church, where current zoning requires one parking space for each 35 sq. ft. of sanctuary area used for seating at 3302 Ocean View Bldv., Zone Rl-5000 with conds. c-19088 2/14/86 JJ,