Central Park Addn. Annex N0. 1 Block 131
CENTRAL PARK ADDN. ANNEX N0. 1 BLOCK 131.tif Lot;s 47 & 48 {South 100 ft.)- Permit to-Mr. Fred. Ellis to make l41 x 18 1 add. only to an exist. garage at 3202 ttK" St. for store room for. commercial storage Res. No. 744 10/13/44 47 8c 48 (Suuth 100 rt.)- Conditional permit to Fred Ellis to make only' the addition to the non-conforming store bldg., using the 2nd floor. as 11 ving quarters and the addition below as storage s_pace, 3202"K" St Res. No. 779 1/4/45 Lot 36 & 37 (except W 6.5 1), Permit to Gilbert C. Groff & F.dward G. Groff to move in two single family residences with 46.55 ft. frontage on "K" st. R-4 zone. s-603 6-22-59 W 6.5 1 of Lot 37, all of Lot 38, & East 6 1 of Lot 39, Permit to Gilbert C. Groff and Edward G. Groff to maintain existing sin fam residence and move in additional sin. fam residence, with 37.5 1 frontage on "K" St. s-602 6-22-59---------------------------------------------- Lots 36, 37,38, & E 6 1 Lot 39, Permit to Groff Reai Estate ~o. to move res from 1709 Main to 3236 K Street.. West HM 3228 6-16-59 Permit to move residence from 1225/Palm St. to 3234 K. Street HM 3227 11 " 11 11 " 2629 India St. to 3240 K Street HM 3226 6-16-59----------------------------