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Development Services

Central Park Addn, Block 109 Card 01

CENTRAL PARK ADDN, BLOCK 109 CARD 01.tif PAG4" \ CENTRAL PARK ADDITION BLOCK 109,as"-.s Lots 21-24, NlOO'- Permit to Webster Ave. Church of Christ, to construct (as revised) a 3,496 sq ft addn (2 story) to exist 78o sq ft chuch bldg which is presently non-con- forming as to street sideyd, & wnere principal place of assembly will result in approx 1,560 sq ft of seating capacity; churcn to provide 6 parking spaces & 7 tandem spaces to be attendant supervised, where 22 parking spaces are req at 232 N. 32nd Street at the SW cor of its intersection with K St., in the R-4 Zone, condl C-9379 7-30-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21,22,23,24- CONTINUED INDEFINITELY- Webster Avenue Church of Christ requested perm to constr 3,496 sq. ft. addn (two story) to exist 780 sq. ft. church bldg which is presently nonconforming as to street sideyard and where principal place.of assembly will result in approx 1560 sq. ft. of seating capacityschurch to provide 6 parking spaces and 7 tandem spaces to be attendant supervised, where 44 parking spaces are req. Zone R-2. c-11990 Filed 7-16-73 Lot 21,22,23,24- The Z.A. has considered the request of Webster Avenue Church of Christ to replace existing 780sq. ft. church build. with new struc. and constr. 75'x36', 2-story addn., exist. building obs. O' st. side yrd: on 32nd St. and new s true. wl 11 c,bs'-1 J Q 1 'St.i~_l,de, yrd;-:ian;.:32rid. Sf.-,,-whete, HE,,is i t,c;i. and where pr inc i p I e place of assembly wi 11 result in approx. I 560 sq. ft. of seating capacl ty, Church to provide 6 parking spaces and seven tandem spaces 0 to be attendant supervised. Where 44 parking spaces are req. at 232 N. 32nd. St. Zoned R-2 denied but Approved Condit i ona I {pyn.e,,.._;- d--J"- Jt, C-11990 8-1-75 'I(