Central Park Addn. Block 133
CENTRAL PARK ADDN. BLOCK 133.tif CENTRAL PARKll0~,J ~ BLOCK 133-Lot 2, all Lot 3 5 Permit DENIED to Vivian & Chas. Matthews to erect approx. 7'x9' side of exist res 4 1 sideyd, add & por of exist. structure to be used for commercial beauty shop, 3209 L. St. Res. 4006 7/13/49 add. E Lot 21_all Lot 3- Vivian & Chas. MAtthews, appeal filed on Res. No. 4o06 ABOV~ sustained, and uermit grAnted, 7x15' & sign on lawn. Res. 94618 8/9/49 1t