Chateau Ville Card 03
CHATEAU VILLE CARD 03.tif CHATEAU VILLE CARD r/J, Lot 57- Permit to J. L. & Jane B. Baker to enclose por of wood deck in front of exist dwell with 6 1 high glass windbreak obs approx 16 1 SB on,rue Michael where max 3 1 high fence is perm in estab 20 1 SB (See Variance C-6513), at 7334 Rue Ivlichael, 400 1 east of Via Capri, Zone R-1-10, condl. Case No. 6684 8-20-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 41- Permit to Dr. ThOlll&S G. Elias to canst a 6 high concrete fence encroaching from 0' to 71 into est 7' SB where a 3' high fence is perm at 7271 Rue Michael near Via Capri, Zone R-1-10, Cond1l. Case No. 782'+ (N.H.)--------------------------- ------------------------Lot 32- Permit to George A. & Lorraine A. Lee to erect 8 1 high block wall obs 5' SB on Rue Michail wher~ max 3' high fence is perm, in estab 15 1 to 20 1 SB, at 7371 Rue Michael E1ly of Via Capri, Zone R-1-10.-~-- i,dy.#-L>.Li2-~--------~~~~-83::~=----=~-===~:___ Lots 6 & 7- Pennit to Laura & Jean Chopik & Howard H. & Elizabeth S. Marlow, Jr. to erect approx J 80 1 of 8 1 hi ceaent blk retain wall on side prop line, & 10' of 8 1 hi wall on prop line along Via Capri, where 6 1 hi wall or fence only is permitted in req 61 side yd & 3' hi wall or fence only is penn in 20' estab SB at 7262 Via Capri betw Rue Adriane & Hillside Dr., Zone R-1-10 conl C-9206 N,H. 3-18-69 lo