Chatsworth Terrace Annex Block C
CHATSWORTH TERRACE ANNEX BLOCK C.tif QHAT3),lORTH TERRACE ANNEX Lot 2 blk C Ella Graham BLOCK C AGREENT #19 5/13/40. Lot 3 Bernare & Florence M. Maloney & Veter.. an 's Welfere Bd of Celif. to maintqin story living unit over exist gar at 3229 Elliott st. with no side yd. Res. 252 3/25/43 Lot 5- Permit to Louis M. & Patricia A. Horvath to construct an 18.5' x 19.5' bedroom and bath addn to existing sin fam dwell, addn to obs all yd reguirements but result in 45.5% lot coverage where a max of 40% is perm and maintain a detached guest house with bar sink obs O' side yd where 4' is req and 2.5' rear yard where 20' is req, at 3211 Elliott Street betwn Willow and Evergreen Streets, Zone R-1-5.- Cond'l. ,) ~ C-12, 585 5-22- 74 ~?-1'3-z~(~-d-JY,____________________________________________ Lot 5- Permit to Louis M. & Patricia Horvath to constr an 18.5 x 19.5 bedroom and bath addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs all yard require ents but result in 45.5i lot coverage where a max of 4~ is perm; & maintain det guest house with bar sink obs O' side yard where 41 is req and 2.5 rear yard where 20' is req. Zone R-1-5. Located at 32ll Elliott St. AGREE #1960 5-27-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 7- Permit to THEODORE E. AND MARJA S. WIERSEMA, at 2606 Evergreen Street, VARIANCE NOT NEEDED. C-17124