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Development Services

Chatsworth Terrace Block 16

CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 16.tif CHA'l'SWOR'm TERRACE BLeCK 16 Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Harold F, & Dian~ c. Tebbetts to erect approx 70' of concrete block wall 6 bigb obs O' front yard on Cnatswortn Blvd wnere a max 3' nign wall is perm in a 15' front yard, at 3539 Elliott St betw cnatswortn Blvd and Clove St. Zone R-1-5,Cond'l. C-11270 N.H. 5-24-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Permit to A.L. and Norma Byrd to erect 31 ft. of 6 ft. high solid wall obs O' front yard on Charsworth Blvd, where a max. 3 ft. high wall is perm in a 15 ft. front yard, at 2601 Chatsworth Blvd., bet.wn Dumas S~eet and Elliott St, Zone R-l-5, C-12,178 N.H. 8-21-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 2 & 3- ZA APPROVED Fence Variance request of WILLIAM SWARTZ, to maintain an existing 6' high solid fence, currently in violation, within the driveway visibility area where 3 1 is the max. height permitted, located at 3539 Elliott Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20984 8/14/92 NH------------------------------------------------------------