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Chatsworth Terrace Block 20

CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 20.tif r,, CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 20 Lot lll,_lID(l,x 17' L.L9~_l5JSKJ..y 41 1)_.. P!tm.1-t t..Q. Virginia llage H~i.lto.n......t.o...____ construct 10 1 x 20' addition to enlarge bedrm & closet of exist sing ram---r"l,S whoh obs 4' s-ideyd; a ddn also to obs 4, 1!1:deyd, where 5, stdeyct--ts-req,-__ J.t. nz_o_ Freeman st., a-l Zone. CASE# 5052 6-22-62----------------------- ' -- ---------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l--e-t-12.&. Port:ion- of Lot 13- Barbara Mathewson to l"emode-l and maintain existing enclosed.... patio which will observe the four-foot required interior side yard and will contain! bath.-at2102 Wi 11 ow Street, Zoned Rl-5000...... A-4658 6/21/90--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------