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Development Services

Chatsworth Terrace Block 25

CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 25.tif CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 25 Block 25, Lots 4 to 7 Erect 4 residences in Zone R-1, back 15' Lytton and Evergree, 5' on Kingsley Street. Permit to Hurlburt, Frank & Slaughter, Inc. Lots 4 and 5- permit to Vincent ~alflota & Vincent Barucchi to split into two 50' parcels facing on Evergreen St. at Evergreen & Lytton Streets. Res No. 834 2/1/45 Lots 4 & 5 (exc. the SWly 50') Permit to Margaret M. & Clarence E. Godfrey to build one family residence, Lytton & Evergree Sts. with a 61 setback on Lytton St. and setback of average of the houses in the block of Evergreen Street. Res No. 1738 8/29/46--------------------------------------------