Chatsworth Terrace, Map 1344 Villa Lots Card 02
CHATSWORTH TERRACE, MAP 1344 VILLA LOTS CARD 02.tif CHATSWORTH TERRACE, tlap 1344 VILLA LOTS Portion Lot 54- ZA DENIED request of RANDY LIGHT AND STEVEN NOTTLE to high solid fencing within driveway visibility area at 2750 Chatsworth C-20143 CARD #2" construct a 30' of 6' Blvd., Rl-5000 zone, 1/25/89. Lot 48- ZA APPROVED request of MARLA HAAS, OWNER AND MARK AND DEBRA LANGLEY, PURCHASERS, to construct a two-story addition to an existing nonconforming two-story, single family dwelling which observes a 0 1-4 11 front yard adj. to unimproved Wing Street; said addition to observe identical 0'-4" front yard where 15 1-0" is required, located at 2702 Chatsworth Blvd., Rl-5000 Zone, Proposition "D" Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-20571 6/22/90 Lot 48- ZA APPROVED amendment to Yard Variance request of MARLA HAAS, OWNER: MARK AND DEBRA LANGLEY, PURCHASERS, to construct a two~story add. to existing nonconforming two-story, single-family dwelling which observes a 0'-4" front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St.; with said add. to obs. identical 0'-4'' front yard where lS'is req.- amendment to inc. (survey subsqtly. revealed existing dwelling obs. min, 2'-1'' front yard, add. to obs. min.3'7'' front yard adj. to Wing St.; (1) main. of 40' of max. 12' high comb. retaihing wall /open fence within f~ont yard where total comb. hgt. of 9'-0'' is permitted/ 15'-0" req/ front yard adj. to unimproved Wing St., prov. horizontal separa- tions are provided in compliance with design crit.; (2) construction of 6' (cont.)