Chester Park Addition Block 4 Card 01
CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 4 CARD 01.tif CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 4 Lot 3, Conditional permit to Dr. L. L. Laugeson & Pearl E. Steiger to convert store at 4639 El Cajon Blvd. into living quarters with O' side yard, SEE AGREEMENT #214 Res. No. 228 1/21/43 Lot 3- Classification of Use for Richard Kieninger for custom-made furniture, C Zone, 4637 El Cajon Blvd. Res, No.104544 11/29/51 i gg, ef Let ~g an~ N. 15' ef i gg, ef Lot 29- Robert L. & Grace A. Toohey to maintain den & carport to exist sing fam dwel; both obs O' int side yd where 40 req; addn resulting in 55% coverage where 50% perm, at 4210 Menlo Avenue, Zone R-3A. Denied, but Approved den obs O' side yd. C-13901 10-27-76 Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20- Permit was considered by ZA to MENLO AVENUE PARTNERS, owner; WOLFF DEVELOPMENT INC., purchaser, to erect and maintain for a period of two years (1) sales office; and, (2) one 10 1 X 6 1 X 18 1 high subdivision identification sign observing a O' setback where 15' is required and where such signs are permitted if no closer than 200 1 from any occupied unit not of the same subdivision and where such signs are permitted when the subdivision is not over two years old, at 4200 block of Menlo Avenue, Zone R-3A. C-17435 10-23-81 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (1) sales office; (2) a 10 1 X 6 1 X maximum 12' high subdivision identification sign observing 0 1 setback where 15 1 is required, Conditions.