Chester Park Addition Block 5 Card 02
CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 CARD 02.tif CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 5 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to Inga Gudmundsson at 4239 Menlo Ave. Zone R-3A,to maintain 7' x 17-1/2 1 storage room obs 0 1. Interior side yard. Condit. C-16248 7130/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots' 7 & 8- Permit to Eugene & Sharon Pankey at 4273 Menlo Ave. Zone R-3-A, DENIED to convert existing garage to studio apt on same lot with 5 existing units (1) new units and stairs to obs 18 1 Int yard (2) to provide 5 off-str pkg sps to obs 0 1 fr yd (3) provide 135 sq. ft of landscaping. C-16119 8/14/79