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Development Services

Chester Park Addition Block 6 Card 01

CHESTER PARK ADDITION BLOCK 6 CARD 01.tif BLocx 6 c~~d,,1 Block 6, Lots 36-37! E 50 1 of the E 85.~Granted J. W. Carlstrom, to place and entrance on Euc id side of bldg. R-40196 12/3/28 Lots 58 and 59- Permit to Carol McCable to alter exist sing fam dwell into a four-unit apt house, making total of 6 living units on the prop, 4266-4274 Euclid Ave., 1 apt to beserved by 8 110" access court and with distance of 4o" between the exist. apt over store bldg snd the proposed four-unit apt., conditional. Res. No. 3645 12/.29/48 Lots 10-11- cond'l permit to Henry o. Spencer to canst 4-unit apt, 4277- 47th St, making total of 5 units, 7 1 access, Res. No. 3885 5/18/49 Lots 24-25- Permit to Wilson L. & Fern L. Barley to erect add 41 sideyd on rear of exist res having 1 1 sideyd, 4233- 47th Res. No. 4128 9/7/1+9 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Mobilehome Corp. for Alvin, Arthur & Thelma Conway to move one sing fam res. frQm 2751 Frontier St. to 4209- 47th St. HM Res. 612 12/16/49 Lots 58 & 59- Permit to William & Clara Vieth, ownars, & Richard F. Bojack dba R. B. Sales Co., lessee, to use exist store bldg for manufacturing and assembly of vertical cloth blinds and wholessle and retail sales of this product with applicant and wife active in business and a maximum of one employee; total machinery 1 hand drill, 1 bench grinder and 1 home sewing machine, at 4266 K Euclid Ave betw Orange Ave . & El Cajon Blvd.i Zone C Case~ 4/12/b2 i-l-itt t\l