Chester Square
CHESTER SQUARE.tif CHESTER SQUARE."' Lot 10- Permit to J. C~de Vaught to erect 5' fence in SB area along Federal Blvd., the ht to be measured on the inside of subject prope;rty at 1562 Mary Lou St. Res #7861 11-13-53 Lot 38- Permit DENIED to R. F. & Nancy M, Cota to constr lath house addn to exist res; the addn to obs 6 11 side yard where 4 1 is req at 1450 Altadena, but permit GRANTED to constr sa:L lath house addn with 3' side yard. c-784 10-1-56 Lot 54- Permit to Patrick Daugherty DENIED to constr bedroom addn to obs 10' rear yard where 15' is req at 5030 Beech St., Zone R-2. C-2102 10-17-58 Lot 11- Permit to Rich J. & Aubyn Curran to erect 6 1 high fence abv exist 6 1 hi ret wall at rear lot at 1523 Mary Lou St. betw Federal and A St. Zone R-l. c-3658 10-26-60 Lot 51- Permit DENIED to M. o. & Laura Derringer to maintain 16 1 x 20' den addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn obs 7'-6" rear yard where 15' is req, at 5054 Beech St. betw Euclid & Altadena Avenues, zone R-2. c-12960 1-14-75 Lot 12- permit to Mr. & Mrs.(Billy D. & Adlean A.) Reed to constr an enclosed patio w/bar sink at 1533 Mary Lou St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2374 6/16178----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((3