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Chesterton Extension Block 4 Card 02

CHESTERTON EXTENSION BLOCK 4 CARD 02.tif CHESTERTON EXT. BLOCK 4 Card #2, Lots 1-22, 29-39, Blk 4, & Lots 1-26, Blk 5- Permit to S.D. Unified School Distrtict to move portable school classrm bldg., frm 4320 Pocahontas To 2814 Shenandoah Dr. HM Res. 2909-10 676-58 Lots 1-22, Blk 4 & Lots 1-26, Blk 5,- Permit to s. D. Unified School Dist to move 3 portable classrm bldgs from 457 22nd St. to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. Chesterton Elementary School Site. HM #3154-56 4-10-59 Lot 23, exc NE 5.5 & Lots 24-26- Permit to Richfield Oil Corp, purch & J.B. Bacorn & L.V. & W.M. Toolsen G,M. & J. Kelly, owners, to constr gas service station with grease rach & service bldg, 13' 9" SB. light poles on NEly & SWly corners obs O' SB on Linda Vista (15' req & erect 3' 10" x 22' 8" free-standing plastic sign projecting across SB & (3' over pub prop-on Linda Vista Rd. not permitted) NE cor Chesterton Dr.* Linda Vista Rd. R-0 zone condl C-3193 4-1-60 ~ Lots 1-22, 29-39 Blk 4 & Lts 1-26, Blk 5- Permit to S.D. Unifield School Dist to move portab: classrm bldg from 4520 Pocahontas to 2814 Shenandoah Hm#'s 3634-36 1-9-61 p Lots 1-22, 29-39, Blk 4 & Lots 1-27, Blk 5- Permit to S.D. Unified School Dist to move port- able classroom from 3401 Clairemont Dr. to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. HM #3708 6-20-61 '('l