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Development Services

Choates Addition Block 121

CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 121.tif CHOATES.ADDITION BLOCK 121 Lots 35-38- Permit to Joe Astorga to move on one single family residence observing 12' front yard. setback where 15' is r eq at A St betw Bancroft and 33rd St. Zone R-2. C-12476 N.H. 2-12-74 Amended 2-13-74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 35-38- Permit to Joe Astorga for Land Conservation Permit Approval for 2 single family residences at 3849 Shasta St. #8 on the north side of A St., betw 33rd and Bancroft St. 8O-LC 2-1-74 Lots 35 thru 38- Permit to Joe Astorga to move on single family residence observing 12' front yard where 15' is required on "A" Street between Bancroft and 33rd Streets. Zone R-2. AGREE #1931 2-12-74 Lots 39 through 44 yard on A Street. 6-26-78.- Permit to The City of San Diego to move a sfd and to obs a 10 1 front NW Corner of 33rd Street and A Street. R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-15270 NH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------