Choates Addition Block 149 Card 01
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 149 CARD 01.tif f Cll)AffS ADDITION f Lota 4_ & S- Ptrmit BUlCK 149 = i.\R6 f {;>,J ' to Alberto R. Pino to move bldg, from 767- 19th to 3379 A St. 1 HM #2386 9-4-S6 Lei 22, 23, 24, Permit to Stanley D. StaneT1c:l't~ mo..-e a residence from 3168 11 1 Street to 1241!P 33rd St. BM Rea 2564 4-,-S?--------------------------------------------- Lot 32 & Lot 33, exc E 11, permit to Gerald & Beulah Dennis to build as per B-2 usage with__.:," 49 ft. frontage on B St. S-456 10-22-57 Lots 34 & 35, & E 1-ft. Lot 33, permit to Gerald & Beulah Dennis to build as per R-2 zo~e with 51-ft.:frontage on "B" St. S-457 10-22-.57 'k:- fi of-Lot-33 & all cf- 34 & 35---Permit to-G. Dennis- to mo~e res-. f, attch.-gar. fr~- 3080 "F" St. to 3340 "B" St. HM #2749 10-14-57 N 70' Lots 25 thru 27- Pennit to Leo R. Pearce to const res, making 2 units at 1217 33rd St., R-2 Case No. 1752 3-28-58--------------------------------------- Lots 32 & 33- Permit to Gerald Dennis to move res from 1722A- A St. to 3334 B St. HM 2850 4-8-58 S 70 rt. Lots 25-27- Permit to Jimmie L & Hazel T. Richardson to const sin ram res, mski,-g total of 2 units on parcel, prior to 12-5-54, 3310 "B+ St, Zone R-2 C'ase 2392 3-27-59----------------------------------------------------