Choates Addition Block 149 Card 02
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 149 CARD 02.tif--~- '""!'""...---~-- CHOATES ADDITI~ BLOCK 149 Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Ignacio J. & Martha Pina to const 241 x 28 1 detached gar on a par with sing fam dwell; gar to obs 4' SB where the average SB of the block of 26 1-J" is req, at 3379 "A~ St. betw 33rd & 34th Sts., Zone R-2. Case No. 6959 2/17/65----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 18 & 19- Request of Fidel A. & Rachel Rangel to maintain & complete construction of carport obs 7' SB on 11A11 St. where the average SB of the block 15" is req-- TABLED. Case No. 6964 2/16/65 Lot 32,33,34 &35 AGREEMENT #951 Gerald Dennis to move in a res,res req a 51' parcel in order to meet allyd req. 10/22/57 South 70' of the east half of Lots 26 and south 70 1 of Lot 27- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Grace Ann PATTON to construct a 12' X 15'-6" bedroom/bath addition to existing siog-te- fami ly dwel 1 ing; addition to observe a 7 1-2" rear yard where 15' is required, and carport to observe 0' setback where 15' is required, at 3302 11811 Street, Zone R-2. Condition.-------------------'C~A.~E NO. 16371 10-26-79 Lots 42 and 43- Permit APPROVED by ZA to WILLIAM AND GRACE DI MARTINO to maintain 472 sq. ft. additions to a nonconforming duplex on each lot, additions to observe 3 1 interior side yard where 4 1 is required (existing duplexes observe 3 1 side yards), at 3370-76 "8" Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-17822 11-19-82