Choates Addition Block 149 Card 03
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 149 CARD 03.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 149 -___,----CARD #3 Lot 36- Permit APPROVED by ZA to RAFAEL AND ELENA CASTRO to construct a two-story addition to existing duplex, addition to observe a 3 1 side yard where 4 1 is required (existing building observes 3 1 side yard) and resulting in a Floor Area Ratio of.548 where.50 is permitted, located at 3346 and 3348 11B11 Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-18152 8-26-83 Lot 41- ZA APPROVED request of LEO & to an existing SFD; addn to obs, a 3 1 R-3000, cond. SPERANZA RIBONI to constr. a 16 1 x interior side yd. where 4 1 is reqd C-18623 19 1 1 iving room addn at 3366 B St., Zone 11/19/84 Lot 39- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance request of Ramon and Teresa Ortega to construct a two-story addition to the front of an existing dHplex to observe 3'0" side yard where 4'0" is required (existing duplex observes 3'0" side yard), located at 3360 B Street, R-3000 zone, Golden Hill Emergency Interim Ordinance. C-20161 12-30-,-88.t.f '