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Choates Addition Block 152

CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 152.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 152 " Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Odin F. Hovelsrud to move bldg from 4135 Pac.'ific Highway to 1217- 34th HM /12326 4/27/56 Portions Lots 25 & 26 & Por P.L. 1151- Permit to Golden Bill Convalescent Hospital, to const & opera 100-bed convalescent hosp in and on east side of 34th St. betw A & B Sts, Zone R-2, Cond'l. C.U.P. Case No. 165-PC 1/4/68 APPEALED to CC by Helen Gale Elliott and appeal DENIED and decision to PC upheld. C.U.P. Case No. 165-PC 2/20/68 CC'.,'io. 192963 2/20/68 Lots 23, 24, 25 & 26- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Center Vest, Inc, to construct multiple dwelling and accessory structures on lot; two structures to observe a 0' front yard (portions to be in public right-of-way) where 15 1 is required, at 34th & "A" Street, Zone R-2/HR. Conditions. CASE 16467 NH 11-29-79