Choates Addition Block 330 Card 02
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 330 CARD 02.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 330 r ZA APPROVED request of VELDA ATTISHA to maintain & improve a storage area addn to an exist. retain grocery, where an alteration to a nonconforming use (commercial use in a residential zone) is not permitted to increase the size or degree of nonconformity, except by zone varianct at 215 S. 30th St., Zone R-3000, cond. C-18609 10/26/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 46- ZA APPROVED request of FREDDIE E, MCCLURKIN to move on a one-story single-family dwelling on a lot with an existing one-story, single-family dwelling; 1) to provide a 39.5 1 diagonal plan dimension where 37.5' is permitted; 2) to provide no fence where a 5' high solid fence is required to be placed between trash collection area and adjoining premises; 3) to provide no enclosed parking spaces where one enclosed parking space is required by the South- east Interim Ordinance at 3086 Clay Avenue, Zone R-3000 with conds. C-19103 3/7/86