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Development Services

Choates Addition Block 333 Card 01

CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 333 CARD 01.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 333.,. Lots 25 & 26- cond 11 permit to Eugene & Nancy Brashear to conduct a restaurant in exist store bldg at 3102 Clay st. Res. No. 831 2/1/45 Lots 25 & 26- Amends above pennit. Res. No. 843 2/15/45 Lot 34 and W 51 of Lot 35- Permit to Mrs. Minnie Bowers to move 1-story fram dwell, l9'x2l', stucco, from 2970 Commercial St. to 3138 Clay St. HM 137 2/11/48 Lots 25-26- cond'l permit to Eugene & Nancy Brashear to re-establish restaurant in exist. non-confonn. store bldg, 3102 Clay St. Res. No. 3956 & 3967 6/15/49 W Lot 4 & all 5- Permit to Ervin M. & Rosetta T. Groves to rebld ktchn on exist res with 611 side yd, new const to have req side ya, 3181 Webster St. Res. 6181 2/6/52 W 51 Lot 35 & all Lot 34- Permit to Minnie Bowers to add 51.xl2 1 bathrm to non-conf res with 3 1 access court. 3138 Clay St., N side Clay bet wlst & 32nd. Res. No. 7446 5/27/53 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Richard Villaluze to move res from 142 N. 17th St. to 3145 Webster. HM #2816 2/10/58 (Letter 2/19/58 from Bldg. Insp. says bldg does not meet their requirements) Lots 13 & 14- Permit to John Hansen to move duplex from 1944 Union St. to 3143-45 Weg,ster. HM #2856 4/21/58