Choates Addition Block 337
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 337.tif,.,,---~_;-f;;,\:-~c;~~r~ -,,~ ' "~-, i;;-.1r;;_, '!f";. .,,,,_, ' <' CIOA!IS 1:_ ADDmotf BLOCIC 337 " 145' of Lote 45-Ji.8- Permit to J.L, Lawery to conatr exteaaion to liv ra of exist ein tam dwell vbicb obe at cloeeet point a 9'3" front yd on Martin Ave; exteaaion to bbe 9 '3 front yd vberel5 ie req at 644 So. 32nd St., Zone R-IJ, coadl c-10189 11-25-10--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 19-24- Permit to Robert E. Couture to erect 152' of concrete block retaining wall with 42" chain I ink fence on top: (I) fence to range in height from 4 1 to 7' observing a 0' interior yard; (2) 7' high wall to obs a O' front yard. Zone R-2. 3117-19 Valle Avenue. Condition. C-14923 NH. 1-31-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------